23 January 2022

The film listing has fallen severely into arrears...

... to the point I'm struggling to remember what I've watched. Some good stuff, though.

The thing I loved about Ammonite, a new film by Francis Lee about the fossil hunter Mary Anning is how sound is used. Especially early in the film the sounds are brought to the fore, it works very well indeed. The film fictionalises Mary Anning's sex life, but it is certainly true to history about how her work was treated because of her sex. Worth watching.

Les Miserables, no, not that film but this one:

Aggressive, violent, politically astute; really, very fucking good, the end is just excellent. Louise found it a bit much, but elder daughter and I loved it. A story that needed telling.

I don't really watch films for fun. I want to be challenged, I want the grey matter (however much of it is left) to be stirred into some sort of reflective process, analysis. But, hey, Palm Springs is fun. We all loved this. It's very funny, and, yes, there's a point or two to it as well, it's not just entertainment, after all, what if it was you? 

Photo by - sorry photographer I don't know who you are.

Now, if you've read this is Groundhog Day and you don't like that movie (c'mon, what?), don't be put off, it's not Groundhog Day, it's something that uses some of the same premis but twists it another way. It's a film about love, honesty, hope, betrayal, forgiveness, and it is also great entertainment.

Now about Parasite, I've watched half of it and then I had to stop. But I might try again, it might be better if I watched it with Louise, rather than on my own. Everyone (that is the critics) loved it, so surely I should too?

I've also watched two Wes Anderson films - The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. If I feel inspired I might give them a post. I've got beetle stuff to do tho'.

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