17 September 2024

Tae Sup Wi' A Fifer

We went to see James Yorkston's Tae sup wi a Fifer, wee tour on Sunday. I was very keen to see James again and as Rozi Plain was on his guest list for the tour this was unmissable. In the end there wasn't quite enough of James, as he generously gave a lot of stage time to his guests, Iona Lee (poet) and Kris Drever (Lau) were also on the guest list. Rozi's set was excellent, and Kris was at his best on accompaniment. Whilst I'm a great admirer of Lau I don't quite gel with Kris' solo stuff. He is a most excellent guitarist and when playing with both Rozi and James the warmth and depth of his guitar sound added muchly to the performances. A plug for Rozi's album - Prize (purchased via Bandcamp) and I came away from the gig with a Prize T-shirt. https://roziplain.bandcamp.com/music

I have realised that there is no Rozi Plain album in my (still uncompleted) list of 104 albums on another page of this blog. Prize would certainly not be out of place there. (I still need to add 29 albums, it's the time to do it, not the lack of music to put there.)


Celtic Connections

I bought the tickets yonks back, and we nearly didn't get there.... But fortune shone, and despite missing El Guapo's solo set we ar...